
Merchant Account Reviews Rating: Star1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5


from IPayment, Inc.

Product Description

iPayment is a debit and credit card payment system provider, and an ideal payment solution particularly for smaller merchants – and in fact, it is one of the fastest today. It claims to be the go-to solution for many merchants who have experienced bad service elsewhere.

iPayment enables small merchants to be able to make both traditional, face-to-face card transactions, more popularly known as “swiping”, as well as other forms of transactions such as online, snail mail, or telephone payments.

It offers two kinds of services: agent and merchant. For agent services, iPayment offers services such as application evaluations/underwriting, risk management, chargeback services, merchant service and support, merchant reporting, and available online application.

iPayment also offers various services for merchants, including processing of transactions that are compliant with MasterCard and Visa regulations, low discount rates, navigational tools for monthly processing statements and online Merchant Accounting Detail (MAD) reports, as well as excellent support and guidance regarding chargebacks, retrievals, and maintaining your merchant account.

Visit the Official Website of iPayment

Product Research

The Price:

  • Monthly Cost: Not specified


Caters to many kinds of businesses
Accepts all major credit cards
Simple and fast transactions
Free online application
Address verification for security


"I use Ipayment for my merchant account. I like the product catalog database. You can set up your site using html – either by you or have someone do it. You can also use their store builder but this is somewhat technical too."

Actual user feedback from webproworld.com

"ipayment is very fair and I have had absolutely no problems.."
Actual user feedback from behindthechair.com


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Accuracy Disclosure: www.merchantservicereviews.com has not directly tested this product, but has conducted research into the alleged results of other users who claim to have used the product. The accuracy of both the publisher's research and alleged user results cannot be guaranteed.


October 22, 2025, 5:29 pm
Rating: Star1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5
If I could leave a negative number of stars I would. Worst company ever, STAY AWAY!! Ipayment is the biggest fraud and scam artist I\'ve ever dealt with. The worst possible customer service and they completely worked against me, and set me up. They literally have stolen money from my own customers. I started using them as a gateway provider for my Authorize.net account so that I could accept credit card payments on my website, I was so excited. When setting up my account they were very responsive to questions and quick to respond. As soon as I had signed the agreement and was setup they would no longer respond. I started noticing a problem after a few days. I had several customers purchase products from my site, but no money was being deposited into my account. I gave it some time, about a week, figuring it must take some time to get up and running, but nope, no money. So I e-mailed my rep (3 times), no response. Then I started calling. I got transferred many times but stuck with it. They told me that they couldn\'t read the voided check I gave them so couldn\'t process the funds. They never bothered to tell me this. So I rush ordered some new checks as the one I had given them was my last one. Got the checks and sent them over. Called to verify. They then claimed the check I sent was not good enough as it didn\'t have \"LLC\" after the business name and that I\'d have to get a banker to write a letter for them with the account information. Ridiculous, but fine, I went to the bank and got the letter. I had the bank fax it and I even had the banker speak with an Ipayment rep. To be safe I e-mailed and faxed the letter and my check myself. I called to verify and was told \"Yes, everything looks good; you should receive your money in 1 to 2 business days\". Well, needless to say, that didn\'t happen. Then I got a call from a customer saying my online checkout wasn\'t working. I called to find out about the online checkout issue and the fact no money had been deposited into my account, even though Ipayment had processed just under $1000 worth of transactions in less than 2 weeks. They said I didn\'t receive the money because they decided to close my account!! No notification, no call, no e-mail, just shut down my credit card processing account. Who knows how many customers I lost because it went down and they didn\'t tell me. When I asked why they informed me because I didn\'t get them the bank information. After hours on the phone explaining that I did, they then passed me to a supervisor William who was the rudest person I\'ve ever talked to. He talked down to me and belittled me. He said that there was a \"chargeback\" on one of my transactions so that\'s why they closed the account. A chargeback is when a customer notifies their bank that they didn\'t make the charge and it may be fraudulent. I found it odd and investigated. The customer apologized and said she didn\'t realize that charge was for my product. She said that the charge, which was a credit card charge for my product on my website through Ipayment, showed on her bank statement as an ATM withdrawal in my city. So Ipayment screwed it up. She called her bank to let them know the charge was valid. I gave all this information to Ipayment but William (or anybody else) didn\'t care. They simply refuse to open my account or give the funds to me. Here\'s the kicker, they won\'t even refund the money back to the customer! Sounds like fraud to me. My customer pays for my service, I deliver the service, and Ipayment keeps the customers money. There is no way that is legal. Extremely rude, difficult to deal with and mean company. It is obvious they did this on purpose, they make the charges look funny so people will dispute them and then close your account and keep the money. How can they sleep at night?! What can I do???
October 26, 2025, 7:29 pm
Rating: Star1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5
If I could leave negative stars I would. This is a bogus site they setup, be sure to read the 400+ BBB complaints and numerous ripoffreport.com horror stories. Worst company EVER. Briefly: IPayment Inc. is an online merchant service provider that I agreed to use to allow me to process credit card payments on my website. They have taken $920 of funds that my customers paid me for my services and refuse to release them to me. They literally have stolen money from my own customers. I started using them as a gateway provider for my Authorize.net account so that I could accept credit card payments on my website. I started noticing a problem after a few days. I had several customers purchase products from my site, but no money was being deposited into my account. They kept telling me to wait another day and it would come, that everything was good and I needed to be patient. I gave it some time, about a week, figuring it must take some time to get up and running, but nope, no money. So I e-mailed my rep (3 times), no response. Then I started calling. They told me there was an issue with the voided check that I sent them. They never bothered to tell me this before. So I rush ordered some new checks as the one I had given them was my last one. Got the checks and sent them over. Called to verify. They then claimed the check I sent was not good enough and that I\'d have to get a banker to write a letter for them with the account information. I went to the bank and got the letter. I had the bank fax it and I even had the banker speak with an Ipayment rep. To be safe I e-mailed and faxed the letter and my check myself. I called to verify and was told \"Yes, everything looks good; you should receive your money in 1 to 2 business days\". Well, needless to say, that didn\'t happen. After a week still no money and no correspondence from the company so I called again. They said I didn\'t receive the money because they had decided to close my account! No notification, no call, no e-mail, just shut down my credit card processing account. When I asked why they informed me because I didn\'t get them the bank information. Then they said that there was a \"chargeback\" on one of my transactions so that\'s why they closed the account. A chargeback is when a customer notifies their bank that they didn\'t make the charge and it may be fraudulent. I found it odd and investigated. The customer said that on her bank statement iPayment Inc had taken the money from her account and posted it as an ATM withdrawl from Cottage Grove MN, so the customer didn\'t realize that charge was for my product. I had the customer call her bank to let them know the charge was valid. I gave all this information to Ipayment but they didn\'t care. They simply refuse to open my account or give the funds to me. They won\'t even refund the money back to the customer! Sounds like fraud to me. My customer pays for my service, I deliver the service, and Ipayment keeps the customers money. It is obvious that this was a setup, they are trying to make me look at fault to keep money and told me that they would invest it and do “whatever they want with it”. There is no way that is legal.
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